
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) refers to the abnormal clotting of blood in the deep veins, which is a disease of venous reflux disorder of the lower extremities. Thrombosis usually occurs during immobilization (especially during major orthopedic surgery). The pathogenic factors were slow blood flow, venous wall injury and hypercoagulable state. Thrombosis after, with the exception of a few ablation or confined to their own location, most will spread to the whole body of deep vein trunk, if not timely diagnosis and treatment, the majority become a thrombosis sequelae, influence the patient's quality of life for a long time, and some patients may be complicated by pulmonary embolism, extremely serious consequences.

Air wave pressure therapy instrument has a good effect on the prevention of deep vein thrombosis, and the technology has been recognized by the international medical community, and is widely used in many clinical disciplines.

Using pressure greater than atmospheric pressure acting on the body's local body, make the blood in the veins and lymph squeezed in lymphatic vessels and flowing the body parts of the less pressure, as well as the peripheral deposition in the blood, lymphatic fluid backflow to the center, this greatly increases the output of the vein and blood flow velocity, so as to prevent deep vein thrombosis, and reduce the edema of the therapeutic effect.

The air wave pressure therapy instrument, by filling and deflating the multi-chamber air bag in sequence, forms the circulation pressure to the limbs and tissues, plays the role of accelerating the venous blood flow speed, promoting congestion empties, generating pulsatile blood flow to improve the microcirculation, and can increase the activity of fibrinolytic system, so as to effectively prevent DVT.

Safety first, Flying Bear Air wave in the pursuit of curative effect and quality at the same time, pay more attention to safety. From the medical point of view, the improper use of air wave pressure therapy equipment is not 100% safe, and some models can increase the possibility of body and microcirculation injury under high pressure and long time operation. In some necessary modes, according to the international practice, the built-in safety control system of Flying Bear Air wave sets and controls the pressure, interval time, pressing mode and other aspects, which greatly reduces the risk of misoperation by medical staff and escorts the safety of patients.

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